Tell us about your cats!

Tough week…

Last week was a tough one šŸ˜æ
-Carmine, who showed up at a colony last December in terrible shape, crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was loved by all of us.

-Amethyst was noted by his feeder to be losing weight and had difficulty chewing. We re-trapped him knowing his symptoms were serious. This shy boy was found to have a tumor in his mouth and was humanely euthanized.

-Beauty showed up at her colony with a tail injury then disappeared. After the trail cam snapped pics of her, we quickly trapped her. Sheā€™s recovering from her tail amputation and will spend the rest of her days safely indoors with her long-time feeder.

Each of these special kitties got the attention they needed thanks to the caretaker of a managed colony. Day in, day out these feeders watch over these cats. To support them and show our appreciation, weā€™re collecting dry and canned cat food (and making winter shelters) on Saturday Nov 16th from 1p-3p at the Ryan R-Center 530 Webster Ave. You can also order from our Chewy wishlist.

We, and the šŸ±šŸ±, thank you for your donations!