Forty-three cats entered our traps in September and 37 of these were spayed or neutered. More than half were females who will be spared the dangers of giving birth to kittens outdoors. Caretakers and the community will be spared the stinky unneutered boy cat smell and the night-shattering sounds of cats fighting and mating. When we start a colony, we plan to continue trapping until all known cats are fixed. If a feeder reports a newcomer cat who’s become a regular diner, we go back promptly to keep that colony kitten-free and as healthy as possible.

Last month kittens and teens were taken in by Pet Pride, Pet Adoption Network, and Janine the Bean! We know you are as overwhelmed as we are … so much appreciated
Thank you to the caring feeders who asked for our help so they could take in kittens and friendly cats who eluded them outdoors. Please remember, trap don’t grab, those wily, skittish kittens. Safer for you and easier to socialize as they won’t be as hand-shy.
And thank you to Lollypop Farm for accepting a scared kitten we rescued out of a truck engine in a busy parking lot when concerned shoppers reached out for help. Chances are good that kitten traveled from Buffalo to Rochester somewhere under that hood.

Thank you for all our donors, supporters and volunteers!
Please consider donating to cover the cost of surgery for one cat or assisting with the cost of one well-managed colony. Donate here!