Seventeen lucky felines got snipped, tipped, and vaccinated, and happy to report we had a few friendlies we can get off the streets!
Zamira Guerra
This was a huge trapping month for us, with 49 cats spayed or neutered. We evaluate the cats as quickly as we can while they’re in the traps and this month 10 were found to be adoptable!
The first two weeks of March have been incredibly busy for us — 26 cats fixed! A huge thank you as well to everyone that joined us for a hands-on trap training event in Beechwood!
In February we trapped, spayed, and neutered 34 cats! Most were released back to their colonies and caretakers and 3 friendly felines were taken to Kellers Kats to begin their indoor life: Campy, Pumpkin, and Socks 😻
January update: 34 cats entered our traps. And sunday Feb 5th was a big day for us! After a year of legwork, 15 cats were fixed at our first monthly spay/neuter clinic for free-roaming felines in the city.
Goldee adopted!! Such a happy week for him, us, and his new cat mom. This year he’s starting off as king of his new castle and loving every minute of it!
Total number of cats we helped in November/December — 58. Total for 2022, more than 400!
A huge thank you to the students and their hardworking, creative teachers at Allendale Columbia School for choosing RocKats as the recipient of their 40th Annual Bake Sale.
RocKats has been working hard to build and distribute insulated cat shelters for winter. We’ve been lucky to have some much-needed help from area Girl Scout troops and have delivered 40 shelters so far.