Author: Zamira Guerra Soares
We got called to help trap a tuxedo mom and her kittens. The feeders have been great and have managed the cats really well.
We went to the place a few times before trapping to check how many kittens were there and their location.
Mom and kittens were hiding under a porch. There were three adorable kittens… two black and one tuxedo like mom.

The best way of trapping mom and kittens is under a drop trap, getting all of them at once! But I didn’t have a drop trap… the next best option is doing a “bottle and string” method… that’s what I did.
Momma cat was hungry, entered the trap quickly to eat and the kittens followed her, playing around and inside the trap.
I didn’t have my binoculars with me and it was really hard to figure out how many kittens were inside the trap with mom. I thought all of them were there, but I couldn’t risk leaving any behind without mom.
I decided to let the mom go and trap the kittens I had inside! Doing this, if I left any kitten behind, mom was going to take care of them!
As soon mom left the trap I pulled the string! Went closer and….. I got all three kittens!! It was a win, but I could’ve trapped all of them together! I had no more time to stick around but thankfully we have a good team of trappers who help each other!
We changed shifts and another RocKats trapper came to finish the job and trap momma!
Momma got fixed/vaccinated and returned. Kittens went to Kitten Korner!!